In her recent op-ed, Global Collaboration: A Necessity for Advancing Health and Well-Being, Dr. Laura Magaña, ASPPH President and CEO, underscores the critical importance of coordinated international action to address shared global health challenges. From pandemics to climate change and chronic diseases, she argues that collaboration across borders is essential for fostering a healthier, more secure, and equitable world.
“Now, more than ever, global collaboration must serve as the foundation for a healthier, more secure, and equitable future for all,” Dr. Magaña writes. She highlights the need for continued US engagement with the World Health Organization (WHO) to advance national interests, promote meaningful organizational reforms, and strengthen global health security.
ASPPH’s partnerships with WHO have included initiatives like developing the public health workforce roadmap and competency-based education framework. These efforts aim to ensure a skilled and capable global workforce that can address current and emerging public health threats.
A Call to Action
“The urgency of global collaboration cannot be overstated,” writes Dr. Magaña. “Now is the time to strengthen—not retreat from—global collaborations.” ASPPH remains committed to fostering partnerships through its Global Action initiatives and leadership within the Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH), which connects over 500 academic institutions worldwide. These partnerships enhance education, workforce development, and policy advocacy while advancing equity and strengthening health systems globally.
Dr. Magaña emphasizes the role of public health institutions in preparing the next generation of leaders to address complex global challenges. “Public health professionals must think globally while acting locally, forging relationships with international counterparts, sharing insights, and collaborating on innovative solutions,” she notes.
Read the Full Op-Ed
To explore more of Dr. Magaña’s insights, read her full op-ed on LinkedIn: Global Collaboration: A Necessity for Advancing Health and Well-Being.