Staff Directory


Tim Leshan, MPA
Chief External Relations and Advocacy Officer
Eduardo A. Ruiz, BS
Chief Information Officer

Meet The Team

Karina Alvarez
Graphic Designer
Jamie M. Atchison, MS
Senior Director of Innovation and Strategic Planning
Dorothy A. Biberman, MPH, CPH
Senior Director of Global Engagement and Executive Initiatives
Miranda Bosse, MPH, MSW
Senior Manager of Educational Initiatives
Brian Brickman
Technology Operations Specialist
Emily M. Burke, EdD, MPH, CPH
Senior Director of Workforce Development and Applied Practice
Elizabeth Burpee, MSW, MPH
Director of Public Health Workforce Development
Stella Carter, MFA
Senior Director of Branding and Marketing
Rebecca S. Fournier, MS, MPH
Manager, Global Engagement
Sarah Marie Gusman, MPH
Data Analyst I
Beth Handler, MPH
Director of Public Health Credentialing
Isaiah H. Jenkins, MPH
Coordinator of Undergraduate Education
Johnston King, MAEd
Director of Recruitment and Admissions
Michelle Kirkland, M.M.Ed., B.Mus.Ed.
Web Developer II
Alicea Kouyaté
Manager of Enrollment Operations
Aicha Lahlou
Human Resources Manager
Liz Mace
Director of Communications
Patty Mack
Director of Leadership Development & Grants
Nick Mahoney, MS
Director of Student and Alumni Engagement
Mac McCarthy
Web Developer III
Sara McDowell, MPH, CPH
Senior Manager of Public Health Training and Credentialing
Melissa Meadows, MPH, MAT
Director of Public Health Continuing Education
Adam Merriam
Grants Finance Manager
Brittny Morris
Senior Technology Project Manager
Isabella Padilla
Senior Graphic Design and Marketing Specialist
Nikhita Pamidala, BS
Public Health Associate
Jessica H. Petrush
Senior Director of Meetings
Cynthia Pewett
Web Developer
Rachel Pierre, MPH
ASPPH Racial Justice Fellow
Rachel Porter
Tech Lead
Beeta Rasouli, MPH
Director of Advocacy and Federal Affairs
Morgan Scheier
Manager of Student and Alumni Engagement
Tracie G. Seward, MA
Senior Director of Educational Pathways and Undergraduate Education
Emily F. Skeffington
Manager of Meetings and Membership
Sierra Sledge, MPH
Fellowship Program Manager
Jordan Smilan-Goldstein, MPH
Manager of Public Health Workforce Initiatives
Frank Smith, MA, MBA
Lead, Data Architecture and Business Intelligence
Monica González Stadtler
Director of Graduate Training Programs
Kaitlin Tager, MPH, CHES
Senior Manager of Workforce Development and Applied Practice
Elizabeth M. Weist, MA, MPH, CPH
Director of Education
Erin K. Williams
Director of Membership
Victoria Wyant, MA, MPH, CPH
ASPPH Framing the Future Fellow