Undergraduate Network Directory

Primary Representative: Wendy M. Parker, MPA, PhD
Program Director, Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Caryl E Waggett, PhD
Professor and Chair, Global Health Studies
Primary Representative: Christian L Williams, DrPH, MPH
Director, Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Patricia Risica, DrPH, RD
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Sondos Islam, PhD, MPH, MS
Professor and Chair, Department of Urban PH, BSPH Director
Primary Representative: Amelia Clinkscales, MPH
Undergraduate Coordinator
Primary Representative: Sandy Slater, PhD, MS
Professor and Director of the Undergraduate Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Melissa Kaufman, EdD
Associate Dean for Education
Primary Representative: Stephanie Baker, DrPH, MPH, MSW
Associate Professor and Department Chair of Public Health Studies
Primary Representative: Lila C. Fleming, Ph.D., CHES
Undergraduate Program Director
Primary Representative: Sara Wilensky, PhD, JD
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education
Primary Representative: Jeffery A. Jones, PhD, MA
Associate Professor and BSPH Program Director
Primary Representative: Sharla K. Willis, DrPH, MPH, MA, CHES
Director, Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Kristin Van De Griend, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor and Community and Public Health Program Director
SOPHAS Participating
Primary Representative: Maria T. Bulzacchelli, PhD
Director, Undergraduate Program in Public Health Studies
Primary Representative: Jennifer Miller, PhD
Assistant Dean, Student and Accreditation Services
Primary Representative: Julie Darnell, PhD, MHSA, AM
Associate Professor and Director of Bachelor of Science in Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Devan Hawkins, ScD, MS
Assistant Professor of Public Health, Director of Undergraduate Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Mary W. Mathis, DrPH, MPH
Associate Professor, BSPH Program Director
Primary Representative: Mary Dahl Maher, PhD, MPH, CNM, ARNP
Professor and Chairperson, Nursing and Public Health Department in Nursing
Primary Representative: Joyce Moon Howard, DrPH, MPH
Director of Undergraduate Programs in Global Public Health
Primary Representative: Samantha Garbers, PhD, MPA
Undergraduate Program Director
Primary Representative: Leah Neubauer, EdD, MA, CPH
Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, Associate Director, Program in Public Health
Primary Representative: Gail Kaye, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs and Assessment
Primary Representative: Dennis Shea,
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Outreach, Professor of Health Policy and Administration
Primary Representative: Karam Turk-Adawi, PhD
Head, Department of Public Health
Primary Representative: Sallie Beth Johnson, PhD, MPH, MCHES
Chair, Department of Public Health and Healthcare Leadership
Primary Representative: Shannon L Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology, Coordinator of Public Health Studies
Primary Representative: Amy E. Abruzzi, PhD, MPH
Undergraduate Public Health Program Leader
Primary Representative: Lauren D. Arnold, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Public Health Programs
Primary Representative: Jennifer Felner,
Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Program Director
Primary Representative: Angela M Ekwonye, PhD
Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Nicole Bagnarol,
Director of Curricular Innovation
Primary Representative: Maureen Thompson, PhD, MSN
Director, UG Programs in Public Health
Primary Representative: Caite Wolak, MPH
Undergraduate Program Director
Primary Representative: Rhonda N. Rahn, PhD, CHES
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs/Instructional Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Rick Danko, DrPH, MPH
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Primary Representative: Theodore K. Gideonse, PhD, MFA
Director of Undergraduate Affairs, Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Kyle McJunkin, PhD, MDiv
  Assistant Dean for Academic Programs
Primary Representative: Beth Feingold, PhD
Director, Undergraduate Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Sarahmona M. Przybyla, PhD, MPH
Assistant Dean, Director of Undergraduate Public Health Programs
Primary Representative: Kathryn Corvey, DrPH, MPH
Program Director
Primary Representative: Kristin Stoepler, MSEd and BS Health Sciences
Program Chair/Assistant Professor of Health Sciences
Primary Representative: John E. Ehiri, PhD, MPH, MSc (Econ.)
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Professor of Public Health
Primary Representative: Lisa F. Barcellos, PhD, MPH
Faculty Director, Undergraduate Public Health Major Program; Professor of Epidemiology & Computation
Primary Representative: Lorena Garcia, DrPH, MPH
Professor, Director of Undergraduate Education
Primary Representative: Anil Menon, PhD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Primary Representative: Brittney Dixon,
Director, Bachelor of Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Erin K. Lipp, PhD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Primary Representative: Denise C. Nelson-Hurwitz, PhD
Associate Professor and BA Public Health Program Chair
Primary Representative: Pui Hong Chung, MBBS(HK), DOM(CUHK), PDipID(HK), MPH(CUHK), FHKCCM, FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Clinical Associate Professor of Practice
Primary Representative: Meghan R. Mason, PhD, MPH
Director of Undergraduate Programs
Primary Representative: Brandi Janssen,
Undergraduate Program Director
Primary Representative: Sarah E. Cprek, MPH, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Profressor
Primary Representative: Tammi Alvey Thomas, PhD, MSSW
Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Public Health Practice and Undergraduate Education
Primary Representative: Nicole Cousin-Gossett, PhD, MA
Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Education
Primary Representative: Gloria T. DiFulvio, PhD
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Primary Representative: Arsham Alamian, PhD, MSc, FACE
Associate Dean for Health Studies
Primary Representative: Emily Youatt, MPH, PhD
Director, Undergraduate Education
Primary Representative: Ruby H.N. Nguyen, PhD, MHS
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Jessica Hanson, PhD
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
Primary Representative: Tammy Thomas, PhD, MPH, MSW
Director, Undergraduate Education
Primary Representative: Pilar D. Zuber, PhD, MSPH, MCHES, CPH
Senior Lecturer, BSPH Program Director
Primary Representative: Neil Hann, MPH, CHES
Director, BPH Program
Primary Representative: Ada O. Youk, PhD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Education, Biostatistics
Primary Representative: Tracy Zontek, PhD
Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Barbara Baquero,
Director of the Public Health-Global Health Major, Associate Professor
Primary Representative: Lorraine Halinka Malcoe, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director
Primary Representative: Kerry Redican, MSPH, MPH, PhD
Professor of Public Health and Director of the Undergraduate Public Health Program
Primary Representative: Shelley N. Armstrong, PhD, MAT, MCHES
Associate Dean/Academic Program Director, BS in Public Health, BS in Health Studies
Primary Representative: Lindsay Stark,
Co-Director Program in Public Health & Society
Primary Representative: Audra Hamrick, MA, NCC, LPC
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Primary Representative: Laura Marker,
Undergraduate Education & Placement Coordinator