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Innovation Lab

What is the Public Health Innovation Lab?

Undergraduate and graduate students in the DC-metro area are invited to participate in ASPPH’s first Public Health Innovation Lab. In this team-based experience, students will learn how to apply innovation strategies, processes, and technology to develop solutions to pressing public health challenges among young people ages 18-24 of their choosing.

This exclusive opportunity is limited to ten teams, who will compete for a $1,500 prize.

Virtual Interest Meeting

View the virtual interest meeting to learn more about human-centered design and the Innovation Lab.

Why Participate in the Innovation Lab?

Participating in the Innovation Lab will provide teams with access to extensive training, as well as the opportunity to win great prizes. Teams will learn about human-centered design (HCD) from recognized experts and will have the opportunity to use HCD tools and strategies to develop a real-world solution to a public health challenge faced by young people.

In addition to expert training in HCD, the winning team will:

Receive $1,500
($500 per team member)

Be highlighted in ASPPH’s
social media and Friday Letter

All team members will receive:

A Certificate of

Snacks and beverages
during the in-person sessions

A letter of participation from ASPPH to provide to professors, should you need an excused absence from class.  

Innovation Lab Details

Teams will apply to participate in the Innovation Lab. Applications are due by 11:59 PM ET on February 2, 2025. Here’s what you’ll do:


All participating teams must watch a recorded orientation session by March 16. This orientation session provides:

  • A brief primer on the use of HCD in public health
  • An overview of the Innovation Lab schedule and approach
  • Instructions to begin mapping and selecting the public health problem your team will address
  • Have a chance to ask any questions about the Lab

In-Person Sprints

Next, teams will attend an in-person sprint  March 16-20, 2025. This will include in-person sessions each day, Sunday, March 16 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Monday to Thursday, March 17-20 from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM ET. During these sessions, teams will receive expert guidance in applying HCD to their identified problem and will work through facilitated activities to move from idea to solution.  Teams will need to complete some work outside of the sessions, at times that work best for their team, to finalize their solution and pitch.  


Finally, on Friday, March 21 from 10:30 AM – 12:45 PM, teams will pitch their solutions to a panel of expert judges at the 2025 ASPPH Annual Meeting, in Arlington, VA. Teams may arrive as early as 8:00 AM ET to practice but must be present by 9:30 AM ET to participate in the final pitch. 

Registered teams will receive additional information on the pitch and judging criteria closer to the event date.

How Do I Sign Up?

First, form a team of three graduate and/or undergraduate students. Innovation benefits from multiple, diverse perspectives, so each team should be comprised of students representing diverse disciplines or subjects (e.g. public health, nursing, medicine, law, business, engineering, communications, IT, gender studies, anthropology, sociology, economics, etc.) or diverse disciplines within public health (e.g. environmental health, policy, prevention and community health, etc.). Teams are encouraged, but not required, to include graduate and undergraduate students.  

Then, have one person register the entire team. 

One person will register for an entire team. You will need the following information:

  • Name (First, Last)
  • Pronouns
  • Email Address
  • University
  • Major
  • Have you done any human-centered design work previously? (Y/N)
  • Dietary allergies or restrictions
  • Emergency contact (Name, Phone Number)
  • Confirmation of ability to attend every session of the Innovation Lab
    • Commit to being in-person for all the dates (DC/VA)
    • Commit to watching the recording
  • Phone Number
  • Have any team members participated in a design challenge, Innovation Lab, work, or training about human-centered design/design thinking before? (Y/N)
    • If yes, please provide name of team members(s) and details about prior event(s).
  • How did you hear about this opportunity?
  • Please introduce each team member in three sentences or less (per team member).

Next, as a team, draft brief responses to three quick questions:

  • Tell us your team’s name – be fun and creative!
  • What excites your team about participating in the Innovation Lab?
  • In one sentence or less, what public health problem (broadly) among young people ages 18-24 is your team hoping to address through the Innovation Lab?
  • Why do you think this problem is well-suited to a human centered design approach?
  • What are two potential, completely different solutions to this problem?

Applications are due by February 2, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET. Teams will be notified of their selection no later than Friday, February 14, 2025.

Learn more before you apply by joining us for a virtual interest meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 11:30 AM EST. Register today.

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