Graduate students, postdocs, or professional students in STEMM fields passionate about community outreach, public policy, and communication should apply for Research!America’s two Microgrant programs by Friday, November 15, 2024. The programs are the Civic Engagement Microgrant Program and the Public Engagement Training Content Microgrants.
Civic Engagement Microgrant Program
With support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Research!America is providing funding of up to $4,000 for public engagement projects through the 2024-2025 Civic Engagement Microgrant Program. They are seeking applications for a wide range of engagement activities, including startup funding for new science policy groups, STEMM-related events in local communities, non-partisan dialogue with local officials, digital media projects, and more.
Public Engagement Training Content Microgrants
Research!America has also launched the Public Engagement Training Content Microgrants, a new category of awards in the form of $5,000 stipends to create curriculum in science communication and other public engagement skills. This microgrant opportunity, made possible by the Lasker Foundation, is open to junior faculty in STEMM and STEMM-adjacent fields, PhD candidates, post-docs, and professional degree candidates.
Application Deadlines
The application deadline for both Microgrant programs is November 15, 2024. Questions can be sent to: microgrants@researchamerica.org.