Tag: For Friday Letter June 14 2024
Early Life Experiences Linked to Racial Disparities in Cognition
Reuters: WHO Says Bird Flu Case in Australia Followed Travel to Kolkata, India
FIU Grad Students Respond to Fictional Hurricane Scenario
Southern Food Goes Healthy
Dr. Michael C. Lu Reappointed to Second Term as UC Berkeley Public Health Dean
Fresh Legs Carry on the Lifetime Fitness Program
Marni Sommer Tells NPR It Takes Moxie to Teach Girls (and Boys) About Menstruation
Mitra Selected as Public Health Department Chair for TTUHSC SPPH
ASPPH Presents at WHO Climate Change and Health Agenda Meeting
Earlier this week, Dr. Laura Magaña, President & CEO of ASPPH, represented ASPPH at the World Health Organization (WHO) meeting, The Contributions of Health Professions to the Climate Change &