We are pleased to announce that registration and housing for the 2024 ASPPH Annual Meeting for Academic Public Health (March 21-23) are now open. Additionally, we’re thrilled to announce that the opening plenary session will be, Framing the Future of 21st Century Education: A Blue-Ribbon Panel Perspective.
At the meeting, ASPPH will release its much anticipated, Framing the Future: Education for Public Health 2023 report. To start our meeting and frame discussions at the sessions to follow, we are convening a Blue-Ribbon Panel of internationally known higher-education scholars to present key insights in the areas of transformative education, life-long learning, and the role of technology as an integral part of the rejuvenated vision for academic public health. We are pleased to announce our esteemed panel:
Radhika Dirks, CEO & Co-Founder, XLabs and Ribo AI
Julio Frenk, President, University of Miami
Michelle R. Weise, CEO, Rise & Design
The opening plenary session is on March 21 from 9:00 – 10:30 AM ET.
We hope you can join us in March.