Undergraduate Network

Bringing together undergraduate public health educators from around the world, the Undergraduate Network for Academic Public Health inspires innovation and collaboration for the advancement of undergraduate education in public health.

About | 2024 PHEED Awardees | Areas of Focus | Benefits | Eligibility

Network Directory

About Undergraduate Network

ASPPH is building the future of academic public health by bridging the continuum from education to practice to prepare the public health workforce and support the development of lifelong learners.

Undergraduate education is a critical component of the preparation for the public health workforce. While ASPPH has been convening leaders in the undergraduate public health space since 2009, we are taking this moment to redefine and reemphasize our efforts to support institutions that educate students pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree.

Want to learn more about the Undergraduate Network?

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2024 PHEED Grant Awardees

We are thrilled to announce the 2024 Public Health Education Enhancement and Development (PHEED) Grant Awardees! These grants, exclusively available to Undergraduate Network members, are aimed at fostering collaborative partnerships that will innovatively enhance the education of undergraduate public health students. Our awardees have proposed creative and impactful projects to enrich the educational experience of their undergraduate students.

Congratulations to the awardees:

  • Concordia University Wisconsin School of Pharmacy
  • George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health
  • Temple University College of Public Health
  • University at Albany School of Public Health
  • University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health


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Areas of Focus

The Undergraduate Network for Academic Public Health focuses on five key domains. These domains are the driving force behind the causes the Network advocates for, and the initiatives the Network takes on. These domains provide the mechanism for Undergraduate Network members to collaborate, and lead discussions around innovation and enhanced education.


Purpose: Convening undergraduate leadership to discuss the management and direction of undergraduate programs.

Topics of Interest: Financial Models; Faculty Recruitment and Retention; Leveraging University Resources; Accreditation; Advocacy

Composition: Limited to the Undergraduate Primary Representative (one per institution). Undergraduate Primary Representatives are Associate or Assistant Deans of Undergraduate Education or Undergraduate Program Directors.


Purpose: Bringing together those who are interested in what students are learning and how they are learning it. Focus on how undergraduate public health education prepares students for careers in public health.

Topics of Interest: Curricula; Pedagogy; Accreditation; Service or Experiential Learning; Delivery Methods

Composition: Unlimited size. Undergraduate Primary Representatives, faculty, and staff are eligible.


Purpose: Convening those with an interest in the connection between K12, Community Colleges, Four-Year Institutions, and non-traditional entry points into public health.

Topics of Interest: MOUs or Articulation Agreements; 4+1/3+2 Programs; K-12 and Community College Outreach; Summer Programs; Partnerships; Admissions

Composition: Unlimited size. Undergraduate Primary Representatives, faculty, and staff are eligible.

Student Success

Purpose: Providing a space for those interested in students’ development outside of academics.

Topics of Interest: Student Advising; Living/Learning Communities; Mental Health and well-being; Belonging; Student Organizations

Composition: Unlimited size. Undergraduate Primary Representatives, faculty, and staff are eligible.

Career Development

Purpose: Convening those who are interested in helping students achieve their career goals.

Topics of Interest: Career Trajectories; Practice and Field Experience; Career Services Strategies

Composition: Unlimited size. Undergraduate Primary Representatives, faculty, and staff are eligible.

Benefits of Membership

The Undergraduate Network for Academic Public Health provides the space for undergraduate public health faculty, staff, and leadership to innovate, collaborate, and educate future public health professionals. Thanks to generous support from Dr. Richard and Mrs. Linda Riegelman, the Public Health Education Enhancement and Development (PHEED) fund allows the Undergraduate Network to provide multiple benefits to members.

With your institutional membership, all faculty, staff, and leadership who work with undergraduate students in public health and related degrees can access our resources and events.

Joining the Undergraduate Network for Academic Public Health grants you access to peers across over 100 institutions to spark the conversations and activities that will move academic public health forward. Specifically, your benefits include:



The Riegelman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Public Health Education recognizes faculty who have made exemplary efforts to start or sustain an undergraduate program, collaborated with community partners and other disciplines, and garnered respect and enthusiasm from students. Named for Dr. Richard and Mrs. Linda Riegelman, the award was established to encourage and recognize excellence in teaching public health to undergraduate students.

Inspired by TED Talks, the LivePHEED features speakers sharing their big ideas, innovations, or solutions to issues in undergraduate education. 

PHEED Grants support innovation for undergraduate education in public health. Information related to the grant proposal process will be released to Undergraduate Network members in fall 2023, and members will have exclusive access to apply for the awards.

Photo of Woman Speaking


Annual Meeting
The ASPPH Annual Meeting is a space for academic leaders, faculty, staff, students, and members of the public health global community to convene and share strategies and tools to strengthen public health education, practice, and research.

Undergraduate Leadership Retreat
The Undergraduate Leadership Retreat brings together Undergraduate Deans and Program Directors to share promising practices and engage in discussions about the future of undergraduate education in public health.

NewsPHEED focuses on sharing articles and activities surrounding innovative practices in undergraduate education. NewsPHEED material features curated content and article submissions from Network members.

Photo of meeting


Domain Engagement
Each domain hosts its own Online Community, a platform for Network primary contacts, faculty, and staff to engage with one another.

Leadership Council
Network members elect representatives to guide programming and enhancements for the Network.

Informal Networking Opportunities
Undergraduate Network members will have opportunities to gather and socialize throughout the year.

Photo of professionals discussing around a table

Network Eligibility

The Undergraduate Network for Academic Public Health promotes innovation, collaboration, and education for undergraduate public health. Membership is institutionally based and covers the leadership, faculty, and staff related to the undergraduate public health program. To be eligible for membership, institutions must:

Award Associate or Bachelor’s degrees in public health or related disciplines

Be accredited by a regional accrediting organization or its international equivalent

ASPPH members with undergraduate public health programs are able to join the Network free of charge, as a benefit of ASPPH membership. However, ASPPH membership is not a requirement to participate in the Network.

Once you’ve determined your eligibility, contact us to get your membership started. 

Convening Academic Public Health
