The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) is beginning its regularly scheduled (5-year) revision process for its criteria for Standalone Baccalaureate Programs (SBPs). Thanks to those who participated in the initial data gathering, CEPH is now embarking on a new, broader survey and is seeking input and perspectives on the knowledge and skills deemed most important to include in public health bachelor’s degrees.
CEPH has started gathering information through multiple methods and hopes to propose criteria for public comment in late 2023/early 2024.
Findings from their survey will help CEPH consider needed changes to the curricular criteria. Changes will initially apply to SBPs but will eventually be coordinated with both public health programs and schools of public health criteria that govern bachelor’s degrees. These changes would typically be incorporated as part of a future, more comprehensive PHP and SPH criteria revision process.
You are invited to complete their brief survey by April 14, 2023 and also share with your networks, including the following:
- Full-time and adjunct faculty with insight into public health bachelor’s degrees
- Public health bachelor’s degree students
- Public health bachelor’s degree alumni
- Graduate students with insights on public health bachelor’s degrees
- Internship supervisors/preceptors who have worked, or may work, with bachelor’s students
- Employers and potential employers
- Public health practice and community partners
Linked here is text from CEPH that ASPPH has adapted for you to push out in email or other media, if desired, for outreach.