Seminal Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Model Takeaway Document Now Available

The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) is seeking nominations for writers of study material for the ASPPH Certified in Public Health (CPH) online study guide. Writers
ASPPH is pleased to welcome two Summer Interns for 2021. Damaris Bell, MPH, a recent graduate of West Virginia University School of Public Health, has joined ASPPH as our first
ASPPH welcomes University of New England Graduate Program in Public Health as our newest member. They joined July 1, 2021 and Professor Deborah G. Shields, Director, will serve as their Primary Representative. The public health program is housed in the University of New England College of Graduate and Professional Studies. Welcome to the ASPPH community!
While concerns and even political agreements about vaccinations can and should be openly discussed, it is not appropriate to misinform the public about the role of public health workers and it is dangerous to misinform in ways that foster hate. Now more than ever, given the inequity in vaccine uptake in the US and the rising rates of the COVID delta variant in many regions, ASPPH strongly supports community outreach efforts promoting COVID-19 vaccinations and calls on the nation’s elected leaders to unite to encourage and support such initiatives.