Fellowships & Internships

ASPPH works with practice partners locally and nationally to prepare the future public health workforce through mentored, practical training experiences.

Training the Next Generation of Public Health Leaders

If you are a current fellow, intern, or alumni please log in. If you would like to apply to an ASPPH fellowship please view open opportunities below.

ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program

Started in 1995, the ASPPH/CDC Public Health Fellowship Program has fostered career development in areas such as Epidemiology, Public Health Policy, Health Communications, Biostatistics, Informatics, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Strategic Information, to name a few. Fellowship assignments are full-time opportunities with possible placement at CDC headquarters in Atlanta, GA and CDC regional offices nationwide.

ASPPH/EPA Environmental Health Fellowship Program

Started in 2003, the ASPPH/EPA Environmental Health Fellowship Program has provided experiential learning opportunities in training areas such as Safe and Sustainable Water, Children’s Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Air Quality, and Safe Chemicals. Fellowship assignments are full-time opportunities with possible placement at EPA headquarters in Washington, DC, Research Triangle Park, NC, and EPA regional offices nationwide.

ASPPH/USDA Rural Health Fellowship Program

The first of its kind to be offered by ASPPH, the ASPPH/USDA Rural Health Fellowship Program provides opportunities for fellows to contribute to USDA programs related to rural health, lead the development of tools to better understand USDA programs for federal and non-federal partners, implement rural health initiatives, and build and maintain relationships across USDA and between USDA and its partners. Fellowship assignments are full-time opportunities with possible placement at USDA headquarters in Washington, DC.

ASPPH Public Health Fellowship Program

The ASPPH Public Health Fellowship Program was established in 1995 and is based at ASPPH headquarters in Washington, DC. Fellows are provided opportunities to develop professional skills and enhance their leadership abilities through direct participation in ASPPH activities that advance education in public health, address the effects of Climate Change on Public Health, and seek to dismantle the barriers that prevent or hinder inclusion, diversity, equity, and antiracism in public health academia.

Fellow Spotlights

  • Raquel Ramos, MPH (Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health) is a current ASPPH Fellow assigned to the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (CSELS); Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development; Epidemiology Workforce Branch (DSEPD) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, GA. DSEPD works to improve health outcomes through competent sustainable, and empowered public health workforce.

  • Raquel Ramos, MPH
  • Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
  • ASPPH/CDC Fellow
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  • Mrs. Mary Harbert Morgan, MPH, a graduate of Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, has recently completed her first year as an ASPPH/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) research fellow. Mary Harbert was placed in the National Center of Injury Prevention and Control in the Division of Violence Prevention.

  • Mary Harbert Morgan, MPH
  • Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
  • ASPPH/CDC Fellow
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  • Devon Dramann, MPH is a graduate of the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health and is a Public Health Fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She is currently in the second year of her placement with the Assessment Branch of the National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) where she works with a team of epidemiologists and data analysts to assess national immunization coverage and exemption data among kindergarten students.

  • Devon Dramann, MPH
  • University of Michigan School of Public Health
  • ASPPH/CDC Fellow
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  • Ms. Christine Phyathep, MPH, a graduate of New York University (NYU) School of Global Public Health (GPH) and a current Public Health Fellow at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recently published an article in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) titled Severe Monkeypox in Hospitalized Patients. During the first year of her ASPPH/CDC Fellowship, she was located at the CDC National Center for Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Disease (NCEZID) in Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Christine Phyathep, MPH
  • New York University School of Global Public Health
  • ASPPH/CDC Fellow
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ASPPH Internship Programs

The ASPPH Public Health Internship is a professional development opportunity that allows current graduate students to combine classroom education with practical training experience. Internship positions are full-time opportunities for the duration of 10 to 12 weeks over the summer and are located at ASPPH headquarters in Washington, DC. 

Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program at a CEPH accredited ASPPH-member school or program of public health. Applicants must be students at the time of application, although may have graduated prior to entering the program. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or hold visas permitting permanent residence in the U.S. (i.e., have a “Green Card”) to be eligible for the Internship program. Preference will be given to candidates with a Certified in Public Health (CPH). 

View the full list of CEPH-accredited, ASPPH-member schools and programs.