The Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) has released a preliminary draft of proposed revisions to the IPEC Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: 2016 Update and welcomes open feedback. A comparison guide (indicating proposed changes to the current, 2016 competency framework) and a glossary of terms referenced in the new draft competencies are also available for viewing.
The IPEC Core Competencies have helped frame the national dialogue on the need for interprofessional education and collaborative practice to improve team-based patient care and enhance population health outcomes.
We thank Dean Jerry Carrino (Texas Tech) for this dedication and leadership as the ASPPH representative to the 23-member working group for the last two years. Dean Carrino was jointly responsible (with a peer from academic medicine) for updating the “Communications” competency section of the current draft revisions.
Learn more about the 2021-2023 revision and draft documents and how to comment. Questions and feedback on the draft proposed revisions are welcomed through Wednesday, May 31. Public health input is sought to help assure the proposed competencies are ones that address public health learners’ needs and potential contributions to successful collaborative practice for promoting health and preventing disease and injury.