Pei-En Chen, PhD candidate

National Taiwan University College of Public Health
Health Equity

What inspired you to study public health? 

As I previously mentioned, Public Health is a multidisciplinary approach that also lets me access different aspects which is really interesting

What has been the single most rewarding experience of your career/studies so far? 

I helped to do research data analysis and published several papers in SSCI and SCIE journal

Where did you do your practicum? What was it about? 

Create SDTM annotated CRF(aCRF). Create SDTM specification according to current SDTM IG Program clinical data (using SAS) according to CDISC guidelines including: producing and performing quality control of SDTM Data Sets and Analysis Data Models (ADaM) Create and perform quality control of tables, listings and figures (TLFs) for case study reports

What do you hope to accomplish in your career? 

Use my profession to help more people


Don’t hesitate to try!

If you are working, what is your job? 

Veristat, Programmer

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