Paulina Dera, MPH

Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
Health Policy and Management

What inspired you to study public health?

I wanted to gain more knowledge in that area and I found the field really interesting. The main inspiration was the opportunity to meet new people and work in some important worldwide or national projects.

What has been the single most rewarding experience of your career/studies so far?

Joining the Youth Group – European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention. Through this activity, I was in a few international conferences and met a lot of other amazing young scientists, with whom I have had contact till now.

What do you hope to accomplish in your career?

My main goal is to improve my marketing and management skills. When I first started at my university, I coordinated reports and supervised students’ projects. The next step is to try my hand at private health care and management.


Always follow your own intuition and beliefs. Remaining yourself in every situation is the best solution.