Meredith Mase, MPH

University of Michigan School of Public Health
Health Management and Policy

Meredith (she/her) is originally from western Massachusetts and graduated with a degree in public health from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2019. She is recently a 2023 graduate from the Michigan School of Public Health with Masters of Public Health in Health Management and Policy as well as Health Behavior and Health Education. Meredith has a lifetime of experience caring for others that has most recently expressed itself through her work as an HIV Test Counselor, educator, communications specialist, and advocate within the reproductive justice and global health spaces. Meredith firmly believes that healthcare is a human right and that an essential part of this right is access to high quality education, because healthcare and education are core pieces of public health. She is very excited to work and learn within the Division of Violence Prevention in both the epidemiology and prevention branches. Meredith is particularly eager to learn more about the CDC’s violence prevention work within both global and youth contexts.

Within the Division of Technical Assistance, Translation, and Dissemination of Integrated Primary Prevention and Interpersonal Violence within the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Meredith will be splitting her time between two offices: the Prevention Practice and Translation Branch and the Field, Epidemiology, and Prevention Branch.