Lala Fadila, MPH

University of Michigan School of Public Health
Nutritional Sciences

What inspired you to study public health? 

My inspiration to study public health stems from the profound impact of witnessing my late dad’s journey living with diabetes. His experience illuminated the critical role of preventative measures, education, and access to healthcare services in managing chronic conditions effectively. Through studying public health, I’m driven to contribute to creating a world where individuals like my dad receive comprehensive support, where communities are empowered with knowledge and resources to prevent diseases, and where healthcare systems prioritize inclusivity and proactive interventions.

What has been the single most rewarding experience of your career/studies so far? 

The most rewarding experience of my career and studies so far has been the opportunity to explore the interdisciplinary field of public health and nutrition science during my master’s program. This journey allowed me to broaden my perspective beyond conventional approaches and gain insight into the interconnectedness of human health and sustainable food systems. By exploring this symbiotic relationship, I gained a deeper understanding of how our food choices impact both individual well-being and planetary health. This experience has not only provided me with valuable knowledge, but also instilled a deep sense of purpose.The most rewarding experience of my career and studies so far has been the opportunity to explore the interdisciplinary field of public health and nutrition science during my master’s program. This journey allowed me to broaden my perspective beyond conventional approaches and gain insight into the interconnectedness of human health and sustainable food systems. By exploring this symbiotic relationship, I gained a deeper understanding of how our food choices impact both individual well-being and planetary health. This experience has not only provided me with valuable knowledge, but also instilled a deep sense of purpose. I am motivated by the belief that my future career will play a meaningful role in advancing the health of both people and the planet, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come.

Where did you do your practicum? What was it about? 

During my practicum at Michigan Dining, I served as a nutrition support assistant. My main tasks involved auditing product and recipe information for accuracy, including allergen and dietary restriction labels. I also participated in projects such as Sustainable Mondays menu audits and developing educational materials for students on sustainable and healthy eating. This experience strengthened my understanding of nutrition and sustainability while contributing to the university community’s well-being.

What do you hope to accomplish in your career? 

I am motivated by the belief that my future career will play a meaningful role in advancing the health of both people and the planet, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come.


If I could go back and give myself one piece of advice, it would be to embrace exploration without fear and to cultivate empathy along the way. Public health is a vast and multifaceted field, offering countless opportunities for growth and discovery. By venturing into various areas of public health, whether it’s epidemiology, policy development, or community engagement, we not only expand our knowledge but also deepen our understanding of the complexities within the field. Also, it’s important to develop empathy in public health because it helps us connect with the communities we serve, understand their needs, and implement meaningful and effective interventions. So, my advice is to approach your journey in public health with an open mind, a willingness to explore, and a heart full of empathy. It will enrich your career and make a positive difference in the lives of those you seek to impact.

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