Keith Hardaway, MPH candidate

Temple University College of Public Health
Social and Behavioral Sciences

What inspired you to study public health?

Going through my undergrad I realized I really liked healthcare and wanted to be involved. When I would study health disparities, and disadvantages among people whether it be race, SES, food security, housing security, etc., I realized something needed to be done. We needed more people out there doing research, advocating, community outreach, and helping bridge the gap between healthcare and access to it. I wanted to be one of those people that helped people in need and once I realized that, studying public health was a no-brainer.

What has been the single most rewarding experience of your career/studies so far?

When people tell me that I meant so much to them and that they wish they could take me home to care for them. Knowing I helped someone tremendously by just being who I am and doing my job is everything to me. Knowing I was a positive impact in someone’s life for their greater good and is better than any paycheck I could ever get.

Where did you do your practicum? What was it about?

I haven’t started it yet. I actually will be taking a break soon from my MPH to finish nursing school but I plan to do my practicum in mental health still or look at mothers and substance abuse.

What do you hope to accomplish in your career?

Just to help as many people as I can and to be apart of something bigger than me.


Look into all and figure out what you like. I always thought I would be in infectious disease but mental health took me away and I am so grateful for what I do. Public Health is EVERYTHING and can be found in so many ways all you have to do is look!

If you are working, what is your job?

Adolescent Behavioral Health Technician