Erin Joyce, MPH

University of Michigan School of Public Health
Applied Epidemiology

Erin studied psychology as an undergraduate before working in positions in multiple levels of government. She was introduced to the field of public health while educating herself about social justice and decided to obtain an MPH after learning about the stark racial health disparities during COVID-19. During the University of Michigan’s online Population and Health Sciences program, Erin earned a graduate certificate in applied epidemiology. She found herself drawn to environmental health and environmental justice issues; her capstone project examined the health effects of urban heat islands, which disproportionately occur in environmental justice communities, as well as equity-centered evidence-based mitigation strategies. She is grateful for the opportunity to work within OEJECR, and she plans to learn as much as she can about the office’s amazing work to address environmental injustice.

Throughout the fellowship, Erin will be exploring associations between social factors, environmental exposures, and health outcomes. In particular, she will be researching civic engagement, air pollution, and life expectancy. This type of analysis will help EPA identify and provide resources to socially vulnerable communities. Erin will also be developing a logic model to inform and support the work of the offices and divisions within OEJECR.