ASPPH Research

Published Research

ASPPH conducts research to inform members and the public health field on trends in academic public health and the public health workforce.

Conduct Research

ASPPH’s wealth of data on academic public health provides opportunities for researchers to develop ideas and propose studies that utilize our data. Researchers are welcome to submit a concept proposal following the ASPPH Guidelines for Using ASPPH Data for Research.

To learn more about the ASPPH data sources available for research and the process for submitting a proposal, contact ASPPH research staff below. Researchers are encouraged to set up an appointment with ASPPH Research staff to discuss the proposed project.

Note: Student researchers must have a faculty/administrator advisor to conduct research.

January 12, 2023


Led by colleagues from the New York University School of Global Public Health and the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, ASPPH analyzed 2011 and 2021 data on students, graduates, and faculty to compare changes in the racial[...]

Environmental Health Insights

Research & Practice Team

Dr. Emily Burke leads research and practice activities for ASPPH. She is the director of the ASPPH Center for Public Health Workforce Development, leading efforts to recruit, train, and retain a diverse public health workforce.

Emily M. Burke, EdD, MPH, CPH

Senior Director of Workforce Development and Applied Practice

Frank Smith oversees enterprise data management and business intelligence for ASPPH. He transforms raw data so ASPPH members can derive clear and actionable insights.

Frank Smith, MBA, MA

Data Architect

Sarah Gusman manages the ASPPH Data Center Portal and leads our annual reporting activities, ensuring the reports and dashboards provided to ASPPH members are accurate and intuitive.

Sarah Gusman, MPH

Data Analyst I

Kaitlin Tager supports efforts to recruit, train, and retain a diverse public health workforce through project management and program evaluation of initiatives within the ASPPH Center for Public Health Workforce Development.

Kaitlin Tager, MPH, CHES

Senior Manager of Workforce Development and Applied Practice

Monica González Stadtler is the Director of Graduate Training Programs and oversees all ASPPH Fellowship and Internship Programs. She leads efforts to secure training opportunities with our federal partners and to recruit, select, and place diverse cohorts of fellows who train to be our next generation of public health leaders.

Monica González Stadtler

Director of Graduate Training Programs

Sara McDowell supports the planning, implementation, and evaluation of grant-funded projects to recruit, train, and retain a diverse public health workforce.

Sara McDowell, MPH, CPH

Manager of Disease Intervention Initiatives

Sierra Sledge, MPH, CHES is the Fellowship Program Manager and supports all ASPPH Fellowship and Internship programs. She works to support ASPPH fellows both during the application process and throughout the duration of the fellowship program.

Sierra Sledge, MPH

Fellowship Program Manager

Liz Burpee, MPH, MSW, is the Director of Public Health Workforce Development. Liz is responsible for implementing, managing, and reporting on workforce-related grant programs housed within the ASPPH Center for Public Health Workforce Development.

Elizabeth Burpee, MSW, MPH

Director of Public Health Workforce Development