ASPPH is hosting our first This is Public Health (TIPH) in-person fair of the new school year on September 19, 2023 in New York City, NY from 5:30 PM – 7:30PM ET and our first online mini fair on September 21, 2023 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET. Join us to learn about your options in graduate public health education. Representatives from CEPH-accredited schools and programs, as well as a member of the SOPHAS team, will be available to answer questions.
Throughout the fall, ASPPH will offer a variety of TIPH recruitment fairs for public health graduate students including in-person fairs, online mini fairs, and online large fairs. Prospective students can discuss how different graduate degree programs align with their academic and professional interests. Admissions representatives from schools and programs will discuss the graduate school application process and what admissions committees look for when reviewing applications.
Whether in-person or in an online virtual format, TIPH fairs provide prospective students with various opportunities to engage with member institution admissions representatives.