All are invited to join the virtual Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Faculty Development Institute from May 23-25, 2023 with early bird prices ($450 for members; $650 for non-members) available until January 31. Note that ASPPH member schools and programs are eligible for the member fee.
Attendees will collaborate, learn, and network with interprofessional colleagues online per the preliminary agenda here.
In addition, participants become part of IPEC’s ongoing learning community that continues your interprofessional engagement, learning and growth opportunities, and networking around interprofessional education for collaborative practice (IPECP) long into the future.
Below is a testimonial from ASPPH’s Dr. Lisa Benz Scott (Stonybrook) who has attended two IPEC institutes with her dynamic team:
“The 2022 in-person IPEC institute held in Washington DC this September provided an exciting and resource-rich series of presentations from leaders in the IPE field, as well as time for participants working with institutional teams or as individuals to apply concepts to their own IPE proposals/projects. I often find myself drawing on the resources from this institute to inform our curriculum, to strategically engage our Deans/VPs to invest in a centralized office for IPE faculty resources, and to fund the scaling up of existing successful IPE and generate new opportunities in didactic, experiential, and simulation labs to promote student competencies in IPE. Thanks to ASPPH and IPEC for their leadership to support and inspire best practices in this important area of our mission.”