General Information Session 3/4


Join us to learn more about the Milken Institute School of Public Health's graduate programs, the admissions process, and the unique opportunities available to our students. These sessions will provide valuable insights on what it is like to pursue a degree within GWSPH. Whether you are just starting your research or finalizing your application, this

Dartmouth MHA Info Session w/ Q&A


Join program panelists who will present the Dartmouth MHA curriculum designed and delivered by the Geisel School of Medicine and Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, unique features of the program including the hybrid (online/in-person) delivery structure, 1- or 2-year completion tracks, mentorship opportunities, and answer any questions you may have.

MPH Programs Information Session


Join a member of the Northeastern MPH leadership team to learn about our MPH program offerings (Boston, Charlotte, online, accelerated, and dual degrees) and curriculum, hear from current students about their experience and review application requirements and deadlines. Registration required.

Master’s Information Session


At this event, you'll have the chance to hear from members of the Office of Admissions at NYU School of Global Public Health for an overview of our graduate public health programs, the application process, financial aid, the current student experience and much more! This event will be followed by Q&A where we will save

LLU SPH – Virtual Information Session

Loma Linda

Join us at the Loma Linda University School of Public Health Virtual Information Session and learn more about your program of interest. You will have the opportunity to hear directly from program directors, ask the director of admissions questions, and learn about the admissions and application criteria. Register now!