The Impact of a Genomic Assay on Urologist Treatment Preference in Active Surveillance-Eligible Men


Thursday, March 9 at 12 PM Central Dr. Adam Murphy will summarize the results of a randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of a Genomic Assay on urologists and patients treatment preferences for favorable risk. prostate cancer. Guest: Adam B. Murphy, MD, MBA, MSCI Assitant Professor of Urology & Preventive Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School

A Day in The Life of a Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health Student


The Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health explores how human health is influenced by our interactions with the environment. We focus on chemical, physical, and microbial hazards present in natural and built environments that range from the molecular to planetary. In this session, current GDEH faculty members and students will be discussing the various components of

First Gen @ Rollins


Join us for a conversation with Rollins students who identify as first-generation to college and hear about their experiences as a graduate student at the Rollins School of Public Health. Come learn how students at Rollins are using their experiences as a first generation college student to make an impact in the field of public

After The End of American Medical Ideology – Building a New Foundation For US Health


Thursday, March 23 at 12 PM CENTRAL (1 PM EST) In a recent essay, "Doctors Aren’t Burned Out From Overwork. We’re Demoralized by Our Health System," published in The New York Times, Dr. Reinhart attempted to reframe "burnout" among healthcare workers to explain how perverse financial motivations pervading the US health system undercut the ethical

Children’s Mental Health in Crisis


Thursday, March 30 at 12 PM CENTRAL (1 PM EST) Dr. Hoffmann will discuss how children's mental health has worsened since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with rising emergency department visits for mental health needs. She will highlight recent research, quality improvement, advocacy, and policy aimed at improving children's mental health. Guest: Jennifer Hoffmann,