On December 11, 2024, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET ASPPH held a webinar, part of our series, examining the fundamental need for – and modern approaches to – global public health diplomacy, particularly as it relates to preparing the future public health workforce.
In an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, health diplomacy will play a vital role in building trust and promoting effective public health advocacy and action. Our speakers provided insights on opportunities for collaborative academic engagement and developments in how public health diplomacy is being put into practice in the US and globally.
Whether you are a public health professional, educator, or student, this webinar provides valuable insight on the need for public health diplomacy and its relevance to academic public health.
Rodrigo Reis, PhD
Professor, Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis
Ashish Joshi, Ph.D., MBBS, MPH
Dean and Distinguished University Professor, The University of Memphis
Catherine Kane, MCD, CEM
Technical Officer, WHO
Matthew Brown, PhD
Global Health Policy and Data Institute, University of California San Diego