ASPPH led a delegation of deans, directors, and faculty to attend the INSP International Congress in Cuernavaca, Mexico, March 3-7, 2025. The Congreso de Investigación de Salud Pública, hosted every two years by the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP), is an important scientific public health meeting within Mexico and through the Latin American and Caribbean region. This meeting was an opportunity to strengthen collaborations and partnerships in education and research with colleagues from Latin America. ASPPH would like to thank the leadership, faculty, staff, and students at INSP for welcoming the ASPPH delegation with such generous hospitality.
Members of our delegation were able to participate in a number of sessions, as well as meet with students and faculty.
Cathy Bradley, Dean, Colorado School of Public Health
Gerard Carrino, Dean, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Julia Jones Matthews School of Population and Public Health
Jim Curran, Dean Emeritus, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
Carlos del Rio, Professor of Global Health, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health
Shafik Dharamsi, Dean and Professor, University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth College of Public Health
Ayman El-Mohandes, Dean, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
Amy Fairchild, University Professor, Syracuse University
Iman Hakim, Dean, University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Cheryl Healton, Professor and Founding Dean, New York University School of Global Public Health
Marian Jones, Associate Professor, Ohio State University College of Public Health
Thomas LaVeist, Dean and Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Health Equity, Tulane University Celia Scott Weatherhead School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Alyson Lofthouse, Assistant Dean for Global Health, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
Pedro Mateu Gelabert, Professor, Community Health and Social Sciences, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
Kerry Mitchell, Associate Professor and Chair, St. George’s University Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Megan Quinn, Associate Dean for Community and Global Engagement, East Tennessee State University College of Public Health
Anabel Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M School of Public Health
Diana Romero, Professor, Community Health and Social Sciences, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
Anna Maria Siega-Riz, Dean, University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences
Edward Trapido, Dean, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Public Health