Earlier this month, Dr. Linda Alexander, ASPPH’s Chief Academic Officer, presented at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office of Health Equity (OHE) webinar on Advancing Health Equity Through Workforce Development. Dr. Alexander’s presentation addressed recruiting a diverse public health workforce through an inclusive excellence lens.
The presentation highlighted key collaborations and grant-funded initiatives with the CDC and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, both key partners of ASPPH’s, and emphasized our work in disease intervention, transforming academia for equity, and strengthening the population and public health workforce pipeline.
ASPPH’s Governmental Fellowship Programs were also emphasized as a key initiative in our work to attract, recruit, train, and retain a diverse public health workforce. This presentation served as part of a continuous collaboration between the OHE and ASPPH, spearheaded by OHE Acting Director Leandris Liburd and ASPPH President and CEO Dr. Laura Magaña.