ASPPH has taken the lead in advocating for the development and continuation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Prevention Research Centers (PRC) program, many of which are housed at our member institutions. If your institution currently has a PRC, we ask that you please contact your Senators and Representatives and ask them to reach out to the Appropriations Committee to express their support.
ASPPH has worked with the PRC Network to urge them to advocate for continued funding for these critical centers. We are also working with the Appropriations Committees in both houses to ensure that the $28.9 million in the Senate Labor, Health & Human Services, and Education bill will remain in the final FY’24 funding bill.
Last week, we joined a meeting organized by the Yale School of Public Health with Ranking Minority Member of the full Appropriations Committee, Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), who is working to increase the funding for the PRC.