Governance Groups

The ASPPH governance structure is designed to ensure effective leadership, strategic direction, and oversight of the association. This structured approach ensures that ASPPH remains responsive to its members’ needs and continues to advance the field of academic public health.

Our structure consists of the following key components:


Primary representatives, the deans and program directors at our member schools and programs of public health, represent their institutions within ASPPH by voting on changes to bylaws and electing members to the Board of Directors.

Each ASPPH member institution only has one primary representative.



Our Board of Directors includes officers and at-large members. Its responsibilities are to serve the membership, set association policies and strategies, and provide fiduciary oversight.

  • Purpose: To serve the membership, set association policy and strategy, and provide fiduciary oversight.
  • Composition: Limited to 15-17 members, including primary representatives from member institutions. The ASPPH CEO is a non-voting member.
  • Selection: The Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and at-large members are elected by the membership. At-large members are elected to three-year terms, with a maximum of two terms.


Advisory Committees provide the Board of Directors with guidance on organizational policies and leadership on critical issues related to ASPPH activities.

  • Purpose: To advise the Board of Directors on organizational policies and provide oversight and leadership on critical issues.
  • Composition: Limited to 20 members, including primary representatives, faculty, and staff. Each committee must include a board liaison. Members serve two-year terms, with a maximum of three terms.
  • Selection: Chairs are appointed by the Board of Directors. Committee membership is determined through a nomination process and finalized by the executive committee in consultation with advisory committee chairs.

Advisory Committees: Accreditation, Advocacy, Data, Diversity and Inclusion, Education, Global Engagement and Partnerships, Practice, Research, and Technology


ASPPH appointees serve in an official capacity to represent the interests of ASPPH and our collective membership to a partner organization or agency, such as the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) and more.

The number and type of appointees vary based on the agreement between the partner organization and ASPPH. Individuals are appointed by ASPPH or jointly by ASPPH and the partner organization.


The ASPPH Bylaws record the rules by which the organization is governed. ASPPH updates its bylaws whenever there are significant changes in the organization’s mission or operation. The Board is responsible for assuring that any proposed amendments are consistent with other governing and regulatory documents and DC law. Amendments must be brought to the full membership and require majority approval. Proposed amendments or changes are shared to Board members at least 10 days prior to a vote.