Following up on last week’s announcement of the launch of our Framing the Future 2030: Education for Public Health (FTF 2030) initiative, which represents a pivotal shift in learning and teaching public health and includes three expert panel reports, today we are sharing the second report, Transformative Approaches to Teaching and Learning.
In a heightened environment of political and social divisions, there is a pressing need for educational reform to enhance public health engagement and rebuild trust in higher education. Transformative education that emphasizes critical thinking, empowerment, and inclusivity, seeks to nurture informed, proactive learners ready to navigate complex moral and ideological landscapes.
The Transformative Approaches report aims to encourage reflection and collaboration in both administrative and curricular settings, recognizing the unique contexts of each institution.
We look forward to sharing highlights from the remaining report next week and in full at the 2024 ASPPH Annual Meeting.