The Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH) released a paper this week, Global governance for improved human, animal, and planetary health: the essential role of schools and programs of public health, in advance of the World Health Assembly’s November meeting on pandemic preparedness. The paper highlights the key roles of schools and programs of public health in responding to the current pandemic; suggests additional skills that the public health workforce needs; and lays out the requirements essential for better global governance for health and better response to future pandemics. GNAPH calls for substantial investment in public health education, training, and research, particularly through schools and programs of public health worldwide as leaders in these areas.
The GNAPH is an alliance of seven regional associations that represent schools and programs of public health, including:
- Alianza Latinoamericana de Salud Global (ALASAG)
- Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH)
- Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa (ASPHA)
- Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
- Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)
- Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australasia (CAPHIA)
- South East Asia Public Health Education Institutions Network (SEAPHEIN)