On Monday, March 10, from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. ET, the ASPPH.org homepage will be temporarily disabled for maintenance. The rest of the site will remain fully accessible. This update enhances your user experience with an improved homepage design. For questions, please contact support. Thank you for your patience!

Logo License

Branding Guidelines

The This Is Public Health® (TIPH) logo is a registered trademark of the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The TIPH brand includes the words, phrases, symbols, designs, and other distinctive brand features associated with ASPPH and its Brand Assets. Examples of Brand Assets include the word “TIPH” and our logos. Our Brand Assets are trade names, trademarks, service marks, and trade dress of TIPH.

TIPH must protect our reputation and brand identity. So, we ask that you follow these Brand Guidelines, which are intended to promote consistent use of our Brand Assets. This makes it easier for people to instantly recognize references to TIPH and prevents consumer confusion. These guidelines also help protect TIPH’s intellectual property. If you do not agree to these Brand Guidelines, you do not have a right to, and should not, use the Brand Assets.

If you do not agree to these Brand Guidelines, you do not have a right to, and should not, use the Brand Assets.



To help us address future branding issues, we may modify these Brand Guidelines, without notice to you. We’ll post the most recent version on our website. You are responsible for following any modified terms.

If you have any questions about logo usage or brand guidelines, contact students@aspph.org.

Social Media

The TIPH name and logo may not be used to create new, or edit current, social media accounts. ASPPH encourages individuals and organizations to tag TIPH social media accounts to grow partners’ following and increase engagement.

TIPH Campaign Graphics

The This Is Public Health (TIPH) campaign is dedicated to raising awareness about what public health is and why it is crucial. Our key goals are:

  • Educate the Public: Enhance understanding of public health.
  • Advocacy: Support and promote public health policies and initiatives.
  • Engagement: Encourage public involvement and support.

We invite you to download and share these logos to help spread the message. Join us in our efforts to educate and engage communities in the importance of public health.