Financing Your Degree

Scholarship and Financial Aid Opportunities

group image of people smiling

Citizenship-Based Criteria

group image of people smiling and raising a fist in the air

Minority & Underserved

a persons hands typing on a laptop

Applicant-Specific Criteria

cropped image of a government building

State & Federal Aid

pink piggy bank wearing a graduation cap

Financial Need

three students who have just graduated posing for a picture with their diplomas

Area of Study

When searching for scholarships, it is best to start with the broadest definition of your goals. From there, you can narrow down your personal attributes, geographic location, area of study, and other qualifying traits. Utilize the terminology listed in the description of potential scholarships to identify further search terms.

Additionally, it is helpful to create a comprehensive list of keywords—both general and specific—that applies to you. Keywords can include, gender, race or ethnicity, citizenship, volunteer or community service activities, research interests, or involvement in other organizations. Remember to view your work from its largest perspective.

Chances are faculty and current students have applied to similar scholarship opportunities: utilize their expertise! Have faculty, peers, and other professionals review the quality of your ideas and your scholarship applications.

Ask your friends and family to help you in the search process. Solicit organizations or groups with whom you affiliate (e.g., religious, social, and service) to inquire about potential scholarship opportunities.

Sponsors like to support recipients of other awards, no matter how small. Even the smallest award brings prestige to the applicant, demonstrating your potential for success.

After reviewing outside funding options, talk with your financial aid or admissions officer to see if they can provide additional suggestions or award institutional funds to help close the gap.

If you’re employed by a government or not-for-profit organization, you might be eligible for the PSLF Program. The PSLF Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans. For more information visit the PSLF government website.