Mackenzie Goodman

Mackenzie Goodman, MPH

University of Miami Department of Public Health Sciences
Community Health

What inspired you to study public health? 

I took an anthropology course on global health during undergrad that broadened my understanding of what health is. Recognizing the disparities that are present within healthcare on a global scale inspired me to advocate for those who do not have adequate access to health services. Through this, I decided to pursue further education in public health.

What has been the single most rewarding experience of your career/studies so far? 

While getting my MPH, I was a research assistant in the Neurology Department. Interacting with patients and introducing them to innovative research was rewarding and made me feel like I was making an impact on the community.

Where did you do your practicum? What was it about? 

My Capstone project was conducted with Step-Up AT, a clinic in the Mailman Center for Childhood Development. My project focused on assistive technology in pre-school classrooms.

What do you hope to accomplish in your career? 

In my career as a physician, I hope to not only provide treatment to patients, but to connect with them. I hope to honor their experiences and improve their health outcomes to the best of my ability.


One piece of advice I wish I would have received is to be patient. Public health issues are complex and involve a variety of disciplines. Obtaining approval, recruiting participants, completing studies, and developing efficient solutions do not happen overnight. The urge to solve a problem and help a community can be pressing, but with time the pieces fall into place.

If you are working, what is your job? 

After graduation, I will be a lab coordinator for the Neurology Department at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

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