Framing the Future

Creating an educational environment that is relevant, inclusive, and attuned to the real-world needs of communities across the globe

Education for Public Health 2030—A Call to Action

In an era of unprecedented public health challenges, ASPPH stands at the forefront of educational innovation with its Framing the Future 2030 (FTF 2030) initiative. Launched to contemplate the evolving landscape of education for public health, FTF 2030 is a visionary project aimed at preparing future public health professionals for a world of complex health challenges. Through it, ASPPH embarks on a mission to enhance academic programs, ensuring they are well-equipped to foster the next generation of leaders in the fight for health equity and well-being globally.

This initiative not only seeks to anticipate the needs of the public health field but also to adapt academic offerings to meet these demands effectively. By focusing on equitable, quality education, FTF 2030 aims to create an educational environment that is relevant, inclusive, and attuned to the real-world needs of communities worldwide. Building on previous efforts, FTF 2030 strives to create a resilient system that addresses 21st-century public health challenges.

An executive summary and three reports anchor our FTF 2030 call to action as well as supplemental resources. Historical foundational materials and blue ribbon and expert panel reports are also available.

Framing The Future 2030: Executive Summary

The FTF 2030 initiative convened three expert panels, each responsible for a specific report focusing on key areas for transforming education for public health by 2030. Learn how – through inclusivity, engagement, and partnership – we can address health disparities to prepare adaptable, empathetic graduates for diverse community needs.

Framing the Future 2030: Executive Summary - March 2024
Building Inclusive Excellence through and Anti-Racism lens: Transformative Action in Academic Public Health - March 2024

Building Inclusive
Excellence Through An
Anti-Racism Lens

Transformative Approaches to Teaching and learning report - March 2024

Approaches to Teaching
and Learning

Fostering Community Partnerships for a Healthier World: A Call to Action and Framework - March 2024

Fostering Community
Partnerships For A
Healthier World

Supplemental Resources

Creating an Inclusive Workspace

The FTF 2030 Inclusive Excellence expert panel developed a “Creating an Inclusive Workspace” guide for all kinds of groups seeking to form diverse, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist workspaces, whether for educational transformation or any other academic public health efforts.

ASPPH Framing the Future 2030 Education for Public Health: Creating an Inclusive Workspace through an Anti-racism lens

Inclusive Excellence Environmental Scan

The FTF 2030 Inclusive Excellence expert panel conducted an environmental scan that informed their recommendations. The scan’s key findings suggest opportunities to: (a) coordinate and integrate inclusive excellence efforts across drivers and throughout multiple settings and (b) address the gap in measurable, evidence-based indicators of success as two important objectives for future action planning.

Environmental Scan on Inclusive Excellence through an Anti-racism lens

Insights on How Three Leaders Are Advancing Education in Public Health

How are different schools and programs of public health responding to the Framing the Future 2030 call to action? Catch how leaders from small, medium, and large institutions share are:

  • Leveraging existing resources to enhance teaching and learning
  • Gaining buy-in for educational innovation
  • Charting progress in transformative approaches
  • Implementing bold ideas to better prepare students for success

Transformations in public health degree programs (baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral levels)

Increased understanding of public health among clinical and other professions

Enhanced collaboration with governmental public health agencies for improving the preparation of their workforce

ASPPH Framing The Future Steering Committee

ASPPH Framing the Future Steering Committee group photo