Consistent with the work of the Climate Change and Health Task Force, ASPPH, in conjunction with the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE), is pleased to present the Climate Change and Health for Public Health Education Toolkit. This toolkit is designed for faculty and staff as a resource that provides practical approaches and tools for integrating climate change and health education into a public health curriculum. It describes three strategies:
- Integrating Climate and Health Competencies into the Public Health Core Curriculum, which describes a way to align and coordinate GCCHE competencies with those already required by CEPH, including a crosswalk and resources to accomplish this integration.
- Framework for Building a Climate Change and Public Health MPH Concentration, which includes sample objectives and a timeline to design a climate change and health concentration.
- Framework for Building a Climate and Health Course, including a sample syllabus that educators may draw from in creating their own course.