Franny Chung, MD/MPH

East Tennessee State University College of Public Health
Health Administration

What inspired you to study public health? 

Having studied city planning and developmental policy in college, I see health and equity in resources through a systems-based lens. When I decided to pursue a medical career, I knew that I wanted to be equipped with both medical knowledge to treat patients and also public health tools to advocate for my patients’ well-being on a larger scale (community advocacy, public policy, etc.).

What has been the single most rewarding experience of your career/studies so far? 

Finding the symbiosis between public health and pediatrics has been my most rewarding educational experience so far! When I discovered how much community advocacy and preventative health are intrinsically linked with pediatrics, I felt like I had found the “right field” for me. I enjoy using my medical and public health education to work with patients, their families, and the larger community as a whole.

Where did you do your practicum? What was it about? 

I worked with Niswonger Children’s Hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee. I worked with a team of pediatric hospitalists to conduct chart review and data analysis regarding pediatric non-accidental trauma (NAT) cases within our local hospital system. Using the collected data, we drafted a policy brief and a set of recommendations for our Human Resources department. We also drafted educational handouts for emergency department providers within our hospital system. These deliverables aim to improve the quality of care our teams provide to pediatric patients suspected or suffering from abuse or neglect.

What do you hope to accomplish in your career? 

I hope to be an active member of my community who helps support kids living life to their fullest! I hope to use aggregated patient data to improve the systems that influence their growth and development for the better. I am still exploring careers within the field of pediatrics, so time will tell exactly how and in which context I will be able to accomplish these things!


Start talking to people – ask questions and make connections! Public health is such a broad field; there are many avenues to be involved in public health. When I started, it seemed like such a nebulous topic, but as I started connecting with those working in the field, I began to see how certain skillsets and tools crystallize to form what we call “public health”. 

If you are working, what is your job? 

Pediatric Resident, Maine Medical Center